Laure Li
im switch
In BDSM, a switch is someone who engages in BDSM activities sometimes as a top and other times as a bottom or (in the case of dominance and submission) sometimes as a dominant and other times as a submissive. Partners can switch roles based on mood, desire, or to allow each partner to experience their preferred activity. For example, a switch may be in a relationship with someone of the same primary BDSM orientation (for example, two dominants), but enjoys participating in either orientation, so the exchange gives each couple an opportunity to perform their bdsm needs.
Why do I like to play sports?
I like sport because besides Kepp yourself you strong physically, it also keeps you strong in mind, so if you have a problem like stress, anxiety or depression, perform exercise or some sport you like and you&'ll see that your mood will improve incredibly. If you want to exercise me, let me know i&'ll be happy to improve your mood.
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